We are a educational site for all Engineering students by engineers. If you want
to make something new then we are here to help. We work on Microcontroller & Microprocessor projects,
Basic Electronics, Digital electronics,Digital IC Tester, 8951 Microcontroller,
Stepper motor, Dc motor, IR data communication, Automatic, Railway Gate, Car parking,
Interfacing, LCD, Instruction Set, port programming, Programmable number lock system,
Water level indicator, Robotic car, Intelligent Train Engines,atmel, microcontroller,
avr microcontroller, avr microcontroller project, avr microcontroller projects,
avr programmer, embedded microcontroller, Free 8051 Microcontroller projects,8052
projects,microcontroller,projects, Datasheets,circuit diagram,Microcontroller,8051,AVR,
projects,tutorials,codes,Libraries,interfacing examples,embedded projects,serial
port,infrared remote controls,rf remote controls,home automation,Intel 8051 microcontroller,electronic
projects,embedded systems,control systems,computers,technical books,software,assembly
language,programming intels 8051,serial communications,rs232,Electronics Projects,Books,Home
Automation,Computer Software, Assemblers.
We have a large collection on Microprocessor Projects.This projects are tried and tested by student.examples of simple hardware schematics and programming techniques, downloadable data sheets and of course fully documented 'complete site projects' incorporating three different popular 8 bit & 16-bit microprocessors, namely the Z80, the 8085 and the Mc6809.
Traffic Controller using 8085 Microprocessor
The main aim of this project is to design a Traffic light controller using 8085
microprocessor. The 8085 Microprocessor is a popular Microprocessor used in Industries
for various applications. Such as traffic light control, temperature control, stepper
motor control, etc.
In this project, the traffic lights are interfaced to Microprocessor system through
buffer and ports of programmable peripheral Interface 8255. So the traffic lights
can be automatically switched ON/OFF in desired sequence. The Interface board has
been designed to work with parallel port of Microprocessor system.
Technology:Microprocessor 8085,Programmable Peripheral Interface(PPI) 8255 and Assembly
Language Coding.
Temperature Control Using 8051 Microcontroller
Applications that require temperature control are often meet in industry. In this
project a low cost application for temperature control in a industries using the
microcontroller 8051 was designed and developed. This Project includes real time
temperature control using a PID controller implemented on a microcontroller
Technology:Microcontroller 8051,Programmable Peripheral Interface(PPI) 8255 and
Assembly Language Coding,Temperature Sensor.
Study of Video Conferencing hardware and Configuration
Video conferencing technology is changing rapidly. Over the past few years, the
introduction of high definition video endpoints and integrated room systems has
offered such lifelike video quality that the term “telepresence” was adopted. However,
before considering the more advanced systems of today, we will briefly examine where
things started and how far we’ve come over the years.
Technology:Microcontroller 8051,Embedded system Project,Video Conferencing project.